Environmental Biotechnology
Online EB edition > 2015 Volume 1 > Article


Selection of optimal spawner pairs based on the polymorphism of microsatellite loci in a partially tetraploid fish species (Coregonus lavaretus)
Dariusz Kaczmarczyk, Dorota Fopp-Bayat, Anna Wiśniewska

Pages: 20-25

DOI: 10.14799/ebms255

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Many species that are in danger of extinction require human support in the form of captive breeding programs to help maintain their populations in the wild. When breeding in captivity, it is important to select breeding pairs that will create the most genetically diverse progeny. Based on the polymorphism of their microsatellite loci, breeding pairs of diploid land animals have been successfully selected. In this theoretical paper, we asked how to adapt this technique to the selection of spawner pairs for restocking populations of partially tetraploid fish species. To test our calculation techniques, we used actual data on the polymorphism of the loci of captured whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus). The data enabled calculations showing which spawner pairs would create the most genetically diverse cohort of offspring if they were bred. The method presented in the paper can be used for breeding fish in aquaculture conditions to help conserve species.


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